Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Inner Beauty Vs. Outer Beauty

Beauty is defined in the dictionary as good looks. but not to me, beauty could be seen from the inside and outside of a person. In general a lot of people judge and pick their friends by both inner and outer beauty. But in relationships many people choose their partner by outer beauty. Below i will emphasize on why inner beauty matters most than outer beauty.

Outer beauty counts, but what happens when a person gets old and doesn't look the same way? What else is there to choose from? Be the prettiest girl, but have the meanest personality ever. bethe pretty girl with make-up but without it you are just another ugly person.

Just by observing students and friends I've come to realize that outer beauty is temporary. As we grow our lookschange constantly, you could be the skinniest person and at one point stop exercising, eating vegtables than begin to get fat and ugly. While we age our faces are no longer good looking with soft skin, become wrinkly and not muscular as used to be. How important are all these temporary features of any person? Compared to the permanent features of someone?

Which leads us to what i call inner beauty, the real beauty that needs to be looked at. It's not all about looks, yeah it could get you somewhere, but probably not where they want to be. Don't want to be judged by just the looks of a person and think everyone likesthem because they're pretty or handsome. To see the real person, you will need to get inside and how they really act and then see if it would be worth it to confide in that person or not.

There are a lot of pros and cons with inner and outer beauty. Outer beauty could be fixed by plasticsurgery, diets adn liposunction. But along with plastic surgery is thing'sthat won't make you beautiful like scars. Inner beauty could also be fixed, but it is up to the people to change themselves, which could lead to unusual and bad attitudes. So what happens when someone only looks at one side, you really don't know that person well enough.

Outer beauty is not what makes a person beautiful. To be able to see the real person which is why inner beauty matters most. Getting to know the person inside is what will let you know if they want to confide a friendship or relationship in that person. It's like judging a book by it's cover, nice on the outside but turned out to be a bad stort in the inside. So get to know the real person inside before judging just their looks.


PlAy BaLl said...

i agree....inner beauty really is more important than outer beauty :)

cassey throws eggs at boys said...

i really like your paper. I agree that outer beauty is temporary and its the inner beauty that counts the most. You could have a handsome boyfriend but he could be a big jerk to you! Who would want that! well, good job and keep it up!

Nescia hates your guts. :) said...

Samantha dearyyy,
I looooove your blog. I totally agree with your view points on inner beauty and outer beauty. You did sucha good job on your paper. =]

Ray said...

You state that outer beauty can be fixed with plastic surgery or liposuction etc. Don't you mean outer ugly can be fixed with these procedures?

Nice article.

Adriana said...

Thats a Great Blog! inner beauty beats outer beauty by a mile! you definetly have both!!! i think i should start to reconsider how i choose boyfriends cause the handsome ones always end up being jerks! love you girl

<3 ana

Katrina thinks you smell said...

Great job on your paper. I liked how you didn't bash one side and emphasized the differences between those who judge internally and externally. I agree. Inner beauty reflects one's outer beauty :).
Good job beautiful... inside & out :)


Tiny tot said...

awww your beautiful =)